
Monday, October 11, 2010

Back on the Grid

Hooray! We are back. It's been a tad alarming to realize how dependent I've become on the computer and the internet. We've still had some internet access, but it was somewhat limited because our old computer was somewhat limited. :)

So much has happened in the last few months, I don't even know where to begin to catch up. I'm kind of a stinky-ish blogger anyhow, but now I feel totally overwhelmed. Baby steps, right?

Today I have sick kids. Boo. This means it will be a long day and I won't likely get a lot done. If it weren't for sad kids who feel terrible, I guess sick days wouldn't be so bad. Lots of down-time and snuggling -that part I can take.

For now, we're off to the doctor's office. Then we'll take this day one thing at a time. Then, hopefully, in the near future, I can post some pictures and catch up a little bit.


Kimmy said...

so sad your kids are sick! What did the dr say?