
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Technical Difficulties

This has been such a fun and busy month, but I haven't updated my blog due to technical difficulties. We have two computers, a laptop and a desktop. Our laptop is having some problems - we think that for the first time in our married career, Steve and I are experiencing a virus on our computer. We can't use the durn thing to connect to the internet. It just won't work. It is the computer we use most often - to upload pictures, burn cd's, blog, print coupons, etc. The desktop is usually just the standby. Now, it's not because we don't love our computer (we LOVE you, Little Computer!); it's because this computer is older than 2 of my three children. No kidding. We bought this little darlin' when Matt was just over a year old. He's eleven now, folks. This computer is a gen-u-ine, bonafide, dinosaur. The tower is enormous and the fan can blow away small animals. In it's day, it was a fine specimen. Really. It's just gotten so old that they stopped making updates for it ages ago. It's been such a fantastic computer, though! It's seen hundreds of projects, a kajillion word documents, and years of internet hours. Amazing. We just can't do anything too fancy or new-fangled. So, for now, we'll just have to plug along with Windows 98 and keep taking pictures and stock-piling stories to post later.


Kimberlee said...

I love how the fan can blow away small animals. You must take good care of your stuff for that thing to last that long. I've been married for 7 years and I think we've been through 3 computers. I guess you're just not as rough on your stuff as we are.

We need to get together and do pictures sometime. I'd love to see you guys again, even if we don't do pictures. You're Bailey is a spitting image of my Halle. No joke!