
Monday, June 8, 2009

Run, run as fast as you can...

At the end of the school year, our school district has a district "Fun Run" at the high school track. The fourth and fifth graders from all the elementary schools get together and do a mile run/race. It was a lot of fun and the kids all did a fantastic job.

Matthew was awesome! His goal was to run the whole way. He did it! The High School track team was there helping the kids by running with them, pacing them, and encouraging them. Among the team was a boy in our ward who's just a great kid. He ran by Matt nearly the whole time.

The next week was Matt's school's annual Wildcat Run. This is also a mile run, but just the school is involved. It's amazing. There is so much preparation and work put in to it. The kids have to train for at least 6 weeks prior to the race. They do this at school and are expected to put in so many miles at home as well. The neighborhood next to the school is closed off for the morning and each grade takes turns running the mile race. I just have to tell you, I adore the Wildcat Run. Steve was able to go for the first time last year and he was sold on it, too. We all were looking forward to it this year.

Matthew, again, did terrific. He ran the whole way and cut his time almost in half from last year. He was so proud of himself and we were so proud of him.
Now, I am not a runner. Not anymore, anyhow. I just love the Wildcat Run, though. I love that kids have worked hard to be there and they are accomplishing something great. Parents and students line the streets and cheer for the runners. Here's the slightly embarrassing part -- most parents are cheering, clapping, smiling... Okay, Steve and I are cheering, clapping, and sucking back tears. I cry every dad-blamed year! I love that children are pushing themselves to excel and everyone else is cheering them on. It just doesn't get better than that! (For the record, Steve may tell you differently, but he is just as embarrassingly emotional. :))

We love our school and feel so fortunate to live so close to such a great school.


Robyn said...

Way to go Matt! the music you put on your blog!