
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bad news -- for mom

Since my last post, a new Walmart has opened very close to our home. We went on opening day, 'cause that's what we do. It is very nice. I'm not sold on it yet, as I don't know my way around, nor does anyone else. The good news - we made it in and out without a potty stop. The bad news came later that day when my sister called to tell me that they had also visited said Walmart. (What else do you do in the continually pouring rain in Logan?) Here's the bad part -- my sister and her kids didn't make it out without a potty stop. The worst part -- she informed me that the family bathroom has a child-sized toilet and the women's restroom has a pint-sized sink. You know that I can't keep this news from Rachel forever!! Once this precious information reaches the awareness of my daughter, I will NEVER, EVER be able to go to Walmart without visiting the restroom! Kid-sized toliet and sink - that's just too good!


Stephanie said...

So glad to know we weren't the only ones to be excited for opening day. We were there too! So sad to have that be so exciting.

The Strawn Family said...

That is funny! I am going to have to go check it out.