
Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I am so far behind. Pitifully behind. In everything. October brought us some beautiful Fall weather, Halloween, an oral surgery, 2 separate viruses, and a tonsilectomy. I have pictures stashed on this computer to post - pictures of soccer, the kids playing at the dam and new park, painting pumpkins, Halloween...
Today, however, the preceding picture is my project. Yesterday my sweet husband helped me conquer the Goliath of clean laundry piles. Today my hope of hopes is to FINALLY sort all the blasted socks and get them into drawers. Then, just maybe, I won't have to dig through the whole dang basket in the early morning hours searching for matches. Just maybe.


Amy and Micheal said...

Ah the blessed blasted sock fiasco! What a comfort it is to know I am not alone in my sock-detesting hatred.

Kimberlee said...

I too hate socks. My problem is that I can't EVER find the match. I swear my dryer eats them. Sometimes if I can't find the match and if I'm in a bad mood, I just throw the one in the garbage. OF COURSE... it's match shows up a few days later and I just have to throw it in the garbage because I KNOW it doesn't have a match lying around somewhere!