
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good Journey

When I was a young boy one of my favorite cartoons was He Man Masters of the Universe. I loved seeing Skeletor and his empire get defeated by the powers of good. I would, at times, stay home from school, because I was "sick", just to watch He Man. How thrilled I was when I found out that they were going to make a movie of my favorite cartoon. Sure the acting sucked, but the principles were true to the animated series. I loved it! However, one thing has stayed with me all these years. After He Man and his crew defeated Skeletor and the whole Grayskull clan, he would say goodbye to his earthly friends. Instead of the traditonal 'goodbye, see ya,' he said, "There are no goodbyes, only good journey."

Today my friend will be laid to rest in Hyrum. He was killed, serving our country in Iraq. I am sad that I will not be able to see him; sad for his sweet wife and children, but I am also hopeful because I realize that this is only part of the journey. What comfort I have in knowing that I will see my friend again. Comfort knowing that he is alright, comfort that his wife will be cared for, and comfort that I have the same promises with my wife and kids.

So Micheal, today I will see your mortal shell lowered into the ground. I will pause and reflect on your life, your patriotism, and honor you. Please know though, that I will not say goodbye - for there are no goodbyes, only good journey.


The Strawn Family said...

I love that, good journey! That is so sad, I feel so sorry for his wife and kids. I am so grateful for the many people that serve our country!

Sonja Larsen said...

What a wonderful day, We are so blessed with the knowledge we have of life after this one. It was an incredible experience to share in honoring Michael Alleman.
Sonja Larsen

Josh said...

I'm assuming this was Steve's post. Maybe not, maybe Mary is a die hard He Man lover.

This post brought tears to my eyes. Steve, this was something that I so desperately needed today, of all days. I needed to hear exactly what was in this post. Thank you for your words of wisdom. He was a great man and will be terribly missed.


Kimberlee said...

Sorry, I didn't know I was logged in as Josh. That comment was mine. :)

Amy and Micheal said...

Thank you, Steve, for such an awesome post! I can't tell you how grateful Micheal and I are for your guys' friendship over the years. We love your guts! 10 years from now, we'll still be resurrecting those nursery carpet bubbles and dying from laughter because of it. Don't worry Steve, I'm sure Micheal is working hard to make sure you can still have your He Man and Coke fix in heaven! Love ya!