
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mamma Mia!

So, I've been considering what to post. I was getting ready to tell all about being in the Sandy Maceys on Monday and watching a guy fill his cart sooo full of Spring water ($1.99 a case), that the cart literally buckled and broke, the wheel bent under, and the cases of water went toppling all over the place. What did I do? Stood and stared. Gee, here's your sign...

I've been feeling all conflicted about something, though, and figured I'd ask the opinion of all the 2 or 3 folks who might read this. :) I watched Mamma Mia last week. I'll preface this by saying that I'd heard a bunch of people talk about this movie who absolutely loved it and couldn't say enough about it. One person said she saw it 3 times in the theater. All these women where raving about this show and what a great chick-flick it was. So my sister and were all pumped up and hoping to see it in the theater. Yah, because of 7 children between the two of us and crazy schedules, we didn't even come close to the movie theater. My brother in law surprised my sister and bought it for her the day it came out on DVD. She watched it then lent it to me - waiting to tell me her opinion til I'd seen it.

So here's my take: I'm not fully sure what I think. I had a REALLY hard time watching/hearing Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan sing. Yikes. I struggled with the lovely Meryl Streep wearing overalls and hippie hair. I had to keep reminding myself that it was a musical and it was supposed to be over-acted and campy. "Think of Music Man. Think of Bye Bye Birdie..." I just kept telling myself. I really liked the gal who played Sophie and thought she was darling. But c'mon, Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan. I struggled a bit through the show, but I love, love, love ABBA, so I made it. Then when it was all over, I turned to Steve (who earned a ton of amazing husband points for watching it with me) and said, "I think I kinda liked it." I told Steve I'd watch it again (at some point) and do the "sing along." I know my husband loves me and would do a lot for me, but I do have to make the pretty safe assumption that he won't be watching it again with me - sing along or not. So, anyone seen it? What do you think?


The Strawn Family said...

I had heard how incredible it was as well and when I saw it I was completely disappointed. I actually thought it was quite stupid. It was pretty cheesy and the acting wasn't all that great. I'm glad I'm not the only one that wasn't that impressed!

Hannah said...

Well, I went into it figuring it wasn't all that great (I'm not into musicals), but I loved the music and some of the acting - I laughed through some of the parts - but yes, it was very weird seeing her in overalls and Pierce Brosnan singing - that was just too weird for me! Overall, it was good, but I didn't have high expectations for it. ha.

Jeanetta said...

It's been a while since I checked in on what you are up to. It was fun catch up a bit. I'm inspired to get back to work on my blog. Anyway, I didn't see the movie, so I shouldn't comment, but I saw the stage production. I loved the musical numbers and HATED the rest. I hate the story line and I really hated the ending. I am assuming those are the same in the movie. That's why I couldn't bring myself to watch the movie. Anyway, there's my two cents worth.

Robyn said...

I love this movie- it follows the Broadway version almost exactly and seriously who doesn't love ABBA! I love the idea behind a mother watching as her daughter starts to begin her young adult life as she remembers and misses her own. I have to admit that when Pierce Brosnan sings it is ear splitting and it made me laugh really hard! He sucks as a singer but I applaud his bravery for trying something new! :) Give it another chance and you're right it is a musical and is suppose to be cheesy- think Oklahoma!